Newspaper articles in the Netherlands



Advertisement of G.F. Witvogel, Amsterdamse Courant, 4 December 1731: Opera Prima  Quantz (Q24)



Advertisement of Michiel Charles Le Cene, Leydse Courant, 17 December 1731: Opera Prima (see QV: the same as Q16 from 1734?)



Oprechte Haerlemse Courant, 9 December 1741: News items from abroad. Quantz is appointed as court musician of Frederick the Great in Berlin with an annual salary of to 2000 thalers



Opregte Groninger Courant, 10 May 1754: advertisement of the Dutch translation of Quantz’s Versuch



Leydse Courant, 10 January 1755: emission of the Dutch version of Quanz’s Versuch in the Netherlands



Middelburgse Courant, 29 July 1773: news item about Quantz’s death